(f_pha=[2, 4], f_amp=[60, 200], dcomplex='hilbert', cycle=(3, 6), width=7, verbose=None)[source]¶ Compute the Preferred Phase (PP).
The preferred phase is defined as the phase at which the amplitude is maximum.
- Parameters
- f_pha, f_amplist/tuple/array | def: [2, 4] and [60, 200]
Frequency vector for the phase and amplitude. Here you can use several forms to define those vectors :
Basic list/tuple (ex: [2, 4] or [8, 12]…)
List of frequency bands (ex: [[2, 4], [5, 7]]…)
Dynamic definition : (start, stop, width, step)
Range definition (ex : np.arange(3) => [[0, 1], [1, 2]])
- dcomplex{‘wavelet’, ‘hilbert’}
Method for the complex definition. Use either ‘hilbert’ or ‘wavelet’.
- cycletuple | (3, 6)
Control the number of cycles for filtering (only if dcomplex is ‘hilbert’). Should be a tuple of integers where the first one refers to the number of cycles for the phase and the second for the amplitude.
- widthint | 7
Width of the Morlet’s wavelet.
(f_pha=[2, 4], f_amp=[60, 200], dcomplex='hilbert', cycle=(3, 6), width=7, verbose=None)[source]¶ Check and initialize.
([f_pha, f_amp, dcomplex, cycle, …])Check and initialize.
(sf, x[, ftype, keepfilt, edges, n_jobs])Filt the data in the specified frequency bands.
(sf, x_pha[, x_amp, edges, n_bins, …])Extract phases, amplitudes and compute the preferred phase (PP).
(pha, amp[, n_bins])Compute the preferred-phase.
(pac, xvec, yvec[, xlabel, ylabel, …])Main plotting pac function.
(amp, xvec, yvec[, interp])Polar representation.
(filename[, dpi])Save the figure.
()Display the figure.
Get the cycle value.
Get the dcomplex value.
Vector of amplitudes of shape (n_amp, 2).
Vector of phases of shape (n_pha, 2).
Get the width value.
Vector of phases of shape (n_pha,) use for plotting.
Vector of amplitudes of shape (n_amp,) use for plotting.
(sf, x, ftype='phase', keepfilt=False, edges=None, n_jobs=-1)¶ Filt the data in the specified frequency bands.
- Parameters
- sffloat
The sampling frequency.
- xarray_like
Array of data of shape (n_epochs, n_times)
- ftype{‘phase’, ‘amplitude’}
Specify if you want to extract phase (‘phase’) or the amplitude (‘amplitude’).
- n_jobsint | -1
Number of jobs to compute PAC in parallel. For very large data, set this parameter to 1 in order to prevent large memory usage.
- keepfiltbool | False
Specify if you only want the filtered data (True). This parameter is only available with dcomplex=’hilbert’ and not wavelet.
- edgesint | None
Number of samples to discard to avoid edge effects due to filtering
- Returns
- xfiltarray_like
The filtered data of shape (n_freqs, n_epochs, n_times)
(sf, x_pha, x_amp=None, edges=None, n_bins=12, verbose=None)[source]¶ Extract phases, amplitudes and compute the preferred phase (PP).
- Parameters
- sffloat
The sampling frequency.
- x_pha, x_amparray_like
Array of data for computing PP. x_pha is the data used for extracting phases and x_amp, amplitudes. Both arrays must have the same shapes (i.e n_epochs, n_times). If you want to compute local PP i.e. on the same electrode, x=x_pha=x_amp. For distant coupling, x_pha and x_amp could be different but still must to have the same shape.
- n_binsint | 72
Number of bins for bining the amplitude according to phase slices.
- edgesint | None
Number of samples to discard to avoid edge effects due to filtering
- Returns
- binned_amparray_like
The binned amplitude according to the phase of shape (n_bins, n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs)
- pparray_like
The prefered phase where the amplitude is maximum of shape (namp, npha, n_epochs)
- polarvecarray_like
The phase vector for the polar plot of shape (n_bins,)
(pha, amp, n_bins=72)[source]¶ Compute the preferred-phase.
- Parameters
- pha, amparray_like
Respectively the phase of slower oscillations of shape (n_pha, n_epochs, n_times) and the amplitude of faster oscillations of shape (n_pha, n_epochs, n_times).
- n_binsint | 72
Number of bins for bining the amplitude according to phase slices.
- Returns
- binned_amparray_like
The binned amplitude according to the phase of shape (n_bins, n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs)
- pparray_like
The prefered phase where the amplitude is maximum of shape (namp, npha, n_epochs)
- polarvecarray_like
The phase vector for the polar plot of shape (n_bins,)
(pac, xvec, yvec, xlabel='', ylabel='', cblabel='', title='', fz_labels=12, fz_title=13, fz_cblabel=12, cmap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None, under=None, over=None, bad=None, pvalues=None, p=0.05, interp=None, rmaxis=False, dpaxis=False, plotas='imshow', ncontours=5, levels=None, levelcmap='Reds', polar=False, colorbar=True, y=1.02, subplot=111)¶ Main plotting pac function.
This method can be used to plot any 2D array.
- Parameters
- pacarray_like
A 2D array.
- xvecarray_like
The vector to use for the x-axis.
- yvecarray_like
The vector to use for the y-axis.
- xlabelstring | ‘’
Label for the x-axis.
- ylabelstring | ‘’
Label for the y-axis.
- cblabelstring | ‘’
Label for the colorbar.
- titlestring | ‘’
Title of the plot.
- fz_labelsfloat | 12
Font size of the y- and x-labels
- fz_titlefloat | 13
Font size of the title
- fz_cblabelfloat | 12
Font size of the colorbar label
- yfloat | 1.02
Title location.
- cmapstring | ‘viridis’
Name of one Matplotlib’s colomap.
- vminfloat | None
Threshold under which set the color to the uner parameter.
- vmaxfloat | None
Threshold over which set the color in the over parameter.
- understring | ‘gray’
Color for values under the vmin parameter.
- overstring | ‘red’
Color for values over the vmax parameter.
- badstring | None
Color for non-significant values.
- pvaluesarray_like | None
P-values to use for masking PAC values. The shape of this parameter must be the same as the shape as pac.
- pfloat | .05
If pvalues is pass, use this threshold for masking non-significant PAC.
- interptuple | None
Tuple for controlling the 2D interpolation. For example, (.1, .1) will multiply the number of row and columns by 10.
- rmaxisbool | False
Remove unecessary axis.
- dpaxisbool | False
Despine axis.
- plotas{‘imshow’, ‘contour’, ‘pcolor’}
Choose how to display the comodulogram, either using imshow (‘imshow’) or contours (‘contour’). If you choose ‘contour’, use the ncontours parameter for controlling the number of contours.
- ncontoursint | 5
Number of contours if plotas is ‘contour’.
- levelslist | None
Add significency levels. This parameter must be a sorted list of p-values to use as levels.
- levelcmapstring | Reds
Colormap of signifiency levels.
- Returns
- gca: axes
The current matplotlib axes.
(amp, xvec, yvec, interp=None, **kwargs)¶ Polar representation.
This method is used to visualize amplitude as a function of phase using a polar (circle) representation.
- Parameters
- amparray_like
2D array.
- xvecarray_like
Vector for the x-axis.
- yvecarray_like
Vector for the y-axis (phases).
- interpfloat | None
Interplation factor.
- kwargsdict
Further arguments are passed to the pacplot() method.
- Returns
- gcaaxes
The current matplotlib axes.
(filename, dpi=600)¶ Save the figure.
- Parameters
- filenamestring
The name of the figure to save.
- dpiint | 600
DPI of the figure.
()¶ Display the figure.
¶ Get the cycle value.
¶ Get the dcomplex value.
¶ Vector of amplitudes of shape (n_amp, 2).
¶ Vector of phases of shape (n_pha, 2).
¶ Get the width value.
¶ Vector of phases of shape (n_pha,) use for plotting.
¶ Vector of amplitudes of shape (n_amp,) use for plotting.