Source code for tensorpac.pac

"""Main PAC class."""
import numpy as np
import logging

from tensorpac.spectral import spectral, hilbertm
from tensorpac.methods import (get_pac_fcn, pacstr, compute_surrogates,
                               erpac, ergcpac, _ergcpac_perm, preferred_phase,
from tensorpac.gcmi import copnorm
from tensorpac.visu import _PacVisual, _PacPlt, _PolarPlt
from import set_log_level
from tensorpac.config import CONFIG

logger = logging.getLogger('tensorpac')

class _PacObj(object):
    """Main class for relative PAC objects."""

    def __init__(self, f_pha=[2, 4], f_amp=[60, 200], dcomplex='hilbert',
                 cycle=(3, 6), width=7):
        # Frequency checking :
        from tensorpac.utils import pac_vec
        self._f_pha, self._f_amp = pac_vec(f_pha, f_amp)
        self._xvec, self._yvec = self.f_pha.mean(1), self.f_amp.mean(1)
        # Check spectral properties :
        self._speccheck(dcomplex, cycle, width)

    def __str__(self):
        """String representation."""
        return self.method

    def filter(self, sf, x, ftype='phase', keepfilt=False, edges=None,
        """Filt the data in the specified frequency bands.

        sf : float
            The sampling frequency.
        x : array_like
            Array of data of shape (n_epochs, n_times)
        ftype : {'phase', 'amplitude'}
            Specify if you want to extract phase ('phase') or the amplitude
        n_jobs : int | -1
            Number of jobs to compute PAC in parallel. For very large data,
            set this parameter to 1 in order to prevent large memory usage.
        keepfilt : bool | False
            Specify if you only want the filtered data (True). This parameter
            is only available with dcomplex='hilbert' and not wavelet.
        edges : int | None
            Number of samples to discard to avoid edge effects due to filtering

        xfilt : array_like
            The filtered data of shape (n_freqs, n_epochs, n_times)
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # check inputs
        assert isinstance(sf, (int, float)), ("The sampling frequency must be "
                                              "a float number.")
        # Compatibility between keepfilt and wavelet :
        if (keepfilt is True) and (self._dcomplex is 'wavelet'):
            raise ValueError("Using wavelet for the complex decomposition do "
                             "not allow to get filtered data only. Set the "
                             "keepfilt parameter to False or set dcomplex to "
        assert ftype in ['phase', 'amplitude'], ("ftype must either be 'phase'"
                                                 " or 'amplitude.'")
        mne_epochs_type = CONFIG['MNE_EPOCHS_TYPE']
        if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and type(x) in mne_epochs_type:
            x = x.get_data()
            sf =['sfreq']
        if x.ndim == 1:
            x = x[np.newaxis, :]
        assert x.ndim == 2, ("x should be a 2d array like (n_epochs, n_times)")
        # check edges
        if not isinstance(edges, int):
            edges = slice(None)
            logger.debug(f"    Edges {edges} time samples ignored")
            edges = slice(edges, -edges)
        self._edges = edges

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Switch between phase or amplitude :
        if ftype is 'phase':
            tosend = 'pha' if not keepfilt else None
            xfilt = spectral(x, sf, self.f_pha, tosend, self._dcomplex,
                             self._cycle[0], self._width, n_jobs)
        elif ftype is 'amplitude':
            tosend = 'amp' if not keepfilt else None
            xfilt = spectral(x, sf, self.f_amp, tosend, self._dcomplex,
                             self._cycle[1], self._width, n_jobs)
        return xfilt[..., edges]

    def _speccheck(self, dcomplex=None, cycle=None, width=None):
        """Check spectral parameters."""
        # Check cycle :
        if cycle is not None:
            cycle = np.asarray(cycle)
            if (len(cycle) is not 2) or not cycle.dtype == int:
                raise ValueError("Cycle must be a tuple of two integers.")
                self._cycle = cycle
        # Check complex decomposition :
        if dcomplex is not None:
            if dcomplex not in ['hilbert', 'wavelet']:
                raise ValueError("dcomplex must either be 'hilbert' or "
                self._dcomplex = dcomplex
        # Convert Morlet's width :
        if width is not None:
            self._width = int(width)

    def _phampcheck(pha, amp):
        """Check phase and amplitude values."""
        assert pha.ndim == 3, ("`pha` should have a shape of (n_pha, n_epochs,"
                               " n_times)")
        assert amp.ndim == 3, ("`amp` should have a shape of (n_pha, n_epochs,"
                               " n_times)")
        assert pha.shape[1:] == amp.shape[1:], ("`pha` and `amp` must have the"
                                                " same number of trials, "
                                                "channels and time points")
        assert np.ptp(pha) <= 2 * np.pi, ("Your phase is probably in degrees "
                                          "and should be converted in radians "
                                          "using either np.degrees or "
        # Force the phase to be in [-pi, pi] :
        pha = (pha + np.pi) % (2. * np.pi) - np.pi
        return pha, amp

    def _infer_pvalues(self, effect, perm, p=.05, mcp='maxstat'):
        """Global function for statistical inferences.

        In order to work this method requires :

            * effect = array like of shape (n_dims...)
            * perm = array like of shape (n_perm, n_dims...)
        assert all([isinstance(k, np.ndarray) for k in (effect, perm)])
        n_perm = perm.shape[0]
        # compute the minimum number of required permutations
        n_perm_req = int(10. / p)
        if n_perm < n_perm_req:
            logger.warning(f"For inferences at p<{p}, it is recommended to per"
                           f"form at least n_perm={n_perm_req} permutations")

        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------"    infer p-values at (p={p}, mcp={mcp})")
        # computes the pvalues
        if mcp is 'maxstat':
            max_p = perm.reshape(n_perm, -1).max(1)[np.newaxis, ...]
            nb_over = (effect[..., np.newaxis] <= max_p).sum(-1)
            pvalues = nb_over / n_perm
            # non-signi. p-values are set to 1. and min(pvalues) = 1 / n_perm
            pvalues[pvalues >= p] = 1.
            pvalues = np.maximum(1. / n_perm, pvalues)
        elif mcp in ['fdr', 'bonferroni']:
            from mne.stats import fdr_correction, bonferroni_correction
            fcn = fdr_correction if mcp is 'fdr' else bonferroni_correction
            # compute the p-values
            pvalues = (effect[np.newaxis, ...] <= perm).sum(0) / n_perm
            pvalues = np.maximum(1. / n_perm, pvalues)
            # apply correction
            is_signi, pvalues = fcn(pvalues, alpha=p)
            pvalues[~is_signi] = 1.

        return pvalues

    def f_pha(self):
        """Vector of phases of shape (n_pha, 2)."""
        return self._f_pha

    def f_amp(self):
        """Vector of amplitudes of shape (n_amp, 2)."""
        return self._f_amp

    def xvec(self):
        """Vector of phases of shape (n_pha,) use for plotting."""
        return self._xvec

    def yvec(self):
        """Vector of amplitudes of shape (n_amp,) use for plotting."""
        return self._yvec

    # ----------- DCOMPLEX -----------
    def dcomplex(self):
        """Get the dcomplex value."""
        return self._dcomplex

    def dcomplex(self, value):
        """Set dcomplex value."""

    # ----------- CYCLE -----------
    def cycle(self):
        """Get the cycle value."""
        return self._cycle

    def cycle(self, value):
        """Set cycle value."""

    # ----------- WIDTH -----------
    def width(self):
        """Get the width value."""
        return self._width

    def width(self, value):
        """Set width value."""
        self._width = value

[docs]class Pac(_PacObj, _PacPlt): """Compute Phase-Amplitude Coupling (PAC). Computing PAC is assessed in three steps : compute the real PAC, compute surrogates and finally, because PAC is very sensible to the noise, correct the real PAC by the surrogates. This implementation is modular i.e. it lets you choose among a large range of possible combinations. Parameters ---------- idpac : tuple/list | (1, 1, 3) Choose the combination of methods to use in order to extract PAC. This tuple must be composed of three integers where each one them refer * First digit : refer to the pac method - 1 : Mean Vector Length (MVL) :cite:`canolty2006high` (see :func:`tensorpac.methods.mean_vector_length`) - 2 : Modulation Index (MI) :cite:`tort2010measuring` (see :func:`tensorpac.methods.modulation_index`) - 3 : Heights Ratio (HR) :cite:`lakatos2005oscillatory` (see :func:`tensorpac.methods.heights_ratio`) - 4 : ndPAC :cite:`ozkurt2012statistically` (see :func:`tensorpac.methods.norm_direct_pac`) - 5 : Phase-Locking Value (PLV) :cite:`penny2008testing,lachaux1999measuring` (see :func:`tensorpac.methods.phase_locking_value`) - 6 : Gaussian Copula PAC (GCPAC) :cite:`ince2017statistical` (see :func:`tensorpac.methods.gauss_cop_pac`) * Second digit : refer to the method for computing surrogates - 0 : No surrogates - 1 : Swap phase / amplitude across trials :cite:`tort2010measuring` (see :func:`tensorpac.methods.swap_pha_amp`) - 2 : Swap amplitude time blocks :cite:`bahramisharif2013propagating` (see :func:`tensorpac.methods.swap_blocks`) - 3 : Time lag :cite:`canolty2006high` (see :func:`tensorpac.methods.time_lag`) * Third digit : refer to the normalization method for correction - 0 : No normalization - 1 : Substract the mean of surrogates - 2 : Divide by the mean of surrogates - 3 : Substract then divide by the mean of surrogates - 4 : Z-score f_pha, f_amp : list/tuple/array | def: [2, 4] and [60, 200] Frequency vector for the phase and amplitude. Here you can use several forms to define those vectors : * Basic list/tuple (ex: [2, 4] or [8, 12]...) * List of frequency bands (ex: [[2, 4], [5, 7]]...) * Dynamic definition : (start, stop, width, step) * Range definition (ex : np.arange(3) => [[0, 1], [1, 2]]) * Using a string. `f_pha` and `f_amp` can be 'lres', 'mres', 'hres' respectively for low, middle and high resolution vectors. In that case, it uses the definition proposed by Bahramisharif et al. 2013 :cite:`bahramisharif2013propagating` i.e f_pha = [f - f / 4, f + f / 4] and f_amp = [f - f / 8, f + f / 8] dcomplex : {'wavelet', 'hilbert'} Method for the complex definition. Use either 'hilbert' or 'wavelet'. cycle : tuple | (3, 6) Control the number of cycles for filtering (only if dcomplex is 'hilbert'). Should be a tuple of integers where the first one refers to the number of cycles for the phase and the second for the amplitude :cite:`bahramisharif2013propagating`. width : int | 7 Width of the Morlet's wavelet. n_bins : int | 18 Number of bins for the KLD and HR PAC method :cite:`tort2010measuring,lakatos2005oscillatory` """
[docs] def __init__(self, idpac=(1, 2, 3), f_pha=[2, 4], f_amp=[60, 200], dcomplex='hilbert', cycle=(3, 6), width=7, n_bins=18, verbose=None): """Check and initialize.""" set_log_level(verbose) self._idcheck(idpac) _PacObj.__init__(self, f_pha=f_pha, f_amp=f_amp, dcomplex=dcomplex, cycle=cycle, width=width) _PacPlt.__init__(self) self.n_bins = int(n_bins)"Phase Amplitude Coupling object defined")
[docs] def fit(self, pha, amp, n_perm=200, p=.05, mcp='maxstat', n_jobs=-1, random_state=None, verbose=None): """Compute PAC on filtered data. Parameters ---------- pha : array_like Array of phases of shape (n_pha, n_epochs, n_times). Angles should be in rad. amp : array_like Array of amplitudes of shape (n_amp, n_epochs, n_times). n_perm : int | 200 Number of surrogates to compute. p : float | 0.05 Statistical threshold mcp : {'fdr', 'bonferroni'} Correct the p-values for multiple comparisons. Use either : * 'maxstat' : maximum statistics * 'fdr' : FDR correction (need MNE-Python) * 'bonferroni' : Bonferroni correction (need MNE-Python) n_jobs : int | -1 Number of jobs to compute PAC in parallel. For very large data, set this parameter to 1 in order to prevent large memory usage. random_state : int | None Fix the random state of the machine for reproducible results. Returns ------- pac : array_like Phase-Amplitude Coupling measure of shape (n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs) Attributes ---------- pac : array_like Unormalized Phase-Amplitude Coupling measure of shape (n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs) pvalues : array_like Array of p-values of shape (n_amp, n_pha) surrogates : array_like Array of surrogates of shape (n_perm, n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs) """ set_log_level(verbose) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # input checking pha, amp = self._phampcheck(pha, amp) self._pvalues, self._surrogates = None, None # for the plv, extract the phase of the amplitude if self._idpac[0] == 5: amp = np.angle(hilbertm(amp)) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # check if permutations should be computed if self._idpac[1] == 0: n_perm = None if not isinstance(n_perm, int) or not (n_perm > 0): self._idpac = (self._idpac[0], 0, 0) compute_surro = False else: compute_surro = True # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # copnorm if gaussian copula is used if self._idpac[0] == 6: logger.debug(f" copnorm the phase and the amplitude") pha = copnorm(np.stack([np.sin(pha), np.cos(pha)], axis=-2)) amp = copnorm(amp[..., np.newaxis, :]) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # true pac estimation' true PAC estimation using {self.method}') fcn = get_pac_fcn(self.idpac[0], self.n_bins, p) pac = fcn(pha, amp) self._pac = pac.copy() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # compute surrogates (if needed) if compute_surro: if random_state is None: random_state = int(np.random.randint(0, 10000, size=1))" compute surrogates ({self.str_surro}, {n_perm} " f"permutations, random_state={random_state})") surro = compute_surrogates(pha, amp, self.idpac[1], fcn, n_perm, n_jobs, random_state) self._surrogates = surro # infer pvalues self.infer_pvalues(p, mcp=mcp) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # normalize (if needed) if self._idpac[2] != 0: # Get the mean / deviation of surrogates" normalize true PAC estimation by surrogates " f"({self.str_norm})") normalize(self.idpac[2], pac, surro) return pac
[docs] def filterfit(self, sf, x_pha, x_amp=None, n_perm=200, p=.05, mcp='maxstat', edges=None, n_jobs=-1, random_state=None, verbose=None): """Filt the data then compute PAC on it. Parameters ---------- sf : float The sampling frequency. x_pha, x_amp : array_like Array of data for computing PAC. x_pha is the data used for extracting phases and x_amp, amplitudes. Both arrays must have the same shapes. If you want to compute PAC locally i.e. on the same electrode, x=x_pha=x_amp. For distant coupling, x_pha and x_amp could be different but still must to have the same shape. n_perm : int | 200 Number of surrogates to compute. p : float | 0.05 Statistical threshold mcp : {'fdr', 'bonferroni'} Correct the p-values for multiple comparisons. Use either : * 'maxstat' : maximum statistics * 'fdr' : FDR correction (need MNE-Python) * 'bonferroni' : Bonferroni correction (need MNE-Python) edges : int | None Number of samples to discard to avoid edge effects due to filtering n_jobs : int | -1 Number of jobs to compute PAC in parallel. For very large data, set this parameter to 1 in order to prevent large memory usage. random_state : int | None Fix the random state of the machine for reproducible results. Returns ------- pac : array_like Phase-Amplitude Coupling measure of shape (namp, npha, ...). Attributes ---------- pac : array_like Unormalized Phase-Amplitude Coupling measure of shape (n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs) pvalues : array_like Array of p-values of shape (n_amp, n_pha) surrogates : array_like Array of surrogates of shape (n_perm, n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs) """ # Check if amp is None : if x_amp is None: x_amp = x_pha # Shape checking : assert x_pha.shape == x_amp.shape, ("Inputs `x_pha` and `x_amp` must " "have the same shape.") # Extract phase (npha, ...) and amplitude (namp, ...) :" extract phases (n_pha={len(self.xvec)}) and " f"amplitudes (n_amps={len(self.yvec)})") kw = dict(keepfilt=False, edges=edges, n_jobs=1) pha = self.filter(sf, x_pha, 'phase', **kw) amp = self.filter(sf, x_amp, 'amplitude', **kw) # Special cases : if self._idpac[0] == 5: amp = np.angle(hilbertm(amp)) # Compute pac : return, amp, p=p, mcp=mcp, n_perm=n_perm, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def infer_pvalues(self, p=0.05, mcp='maxstat'): """Infer p-values based on surrogate distribution. Parameters ---------- p : float | 0.05 Significiency threshold Returns ------- pvalues : array_like Array of p-values of shape (n_amp, n_pha) mcp : {'fdr', 'bonferroni'} Correct the p-values for multiple comparisons. Use either : * 'maxstat' : maximum statistics * 'fdr' : FDR correction (need MNE-Python) * 'bonferroni' : Bonferroni correction (need MNE-Python) """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # check that pac and surrogates has already been computed assert hasattr(self, 'pac'), ("You should compute PAC first. Use the " "`fit` method") assert hasattr(self, 'surrogates'), "No surrogates computed" # mean pac and surrogates across trials m_pac, m_surro = self.pac.mean(2), self.surrogates.mean(3) self._pvalues = self._infer_pvalues(m_pac, m_surro, p=p, mcp=mcp) return self._pvalues
def _idcheck(self, idpac): """Check the idpac parameter.""" idpac = np.atleast_1d(idpac) if not all([isinstance(k, int) for k in idpac]) and (len(idpac) != 3): raise ValueError("idpac must be a tuple/list of 3 integers.") # Ozkurt PAC case (doesn't need surrogates and normalization) if idpac[0] == 4: idpac = np.array([4, 0, 0]) if (idpac[0] == 1) and (idpac[1] == 0) and (idpac[2] == 0): logger.warning( "MVL is amplitude dependent which means that if the amplitude " "increases, MVL also increases. You should select a " "normalization method for correcting this limitation " "(e.g idpac=(1, 2, 4))") if (idpac[2] != 0) and (idpac[1] == 0): logger.warning("If you want to normalize the estimated PAC, you " "should select a surrogate method (second digit of " "`idpac`). Normalization ignored.") idpac[2] = 0 self._idpac = idpac # string representation self.method, self.str_surro, self.str_norm = pacstr(idpac) @property def idpac(self): """Get the idpac value.""" return self._idpac @idpac.setter def idpac(self, value): """Set idpac value.""" self._idcheck(value) @property def pac(self): """Array of un-normalized PAC of shape (n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs).""" return self._pac @property def surrogates(self): """Array of surrogates of shape (n_perm, n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs).""" return self._surrogates @property def pvalues(self): """Array of p-values of shape (n_amp, n_pha).""" return self._pvalues
[docs]class EventRelatedPac(_PacObj, _PacVisual): """Compute the Event Related Phase-Amplitude Coupling (ERPAC). The traditional PAC approach is computed across time, hence this means that you can't observe PAC changes across time. In contrast, the ERPAC is computed across epochs (or trials) which preserves the time dimension. Parameters ---------- f_pha, f_amp : list/tuple/array | def: [2, 4] and [60, 200] Frequency vector for the phase and amplitude. Here you can use several forms to define those vectors : * Basic list/tuple (ex: [2, 4] or [8, 12]...) * List of frequency bands (ex: [[2, 4], [5, 7]]...) * Dynamic definition : (start, stop, width, step) * Range definition (ex : np.arange(3) => [[0, 1], [1, 2]]) dcomplex : {'wavelet', 'hilbert'} Method for the complex definition. Use either 'hilbert' or 'wavelet'. cycle : tuple | (3, 6) Control the number of cycles for filtering (only if dcomplex is 'hilbert'). Should be a tuple of integers where the first one refers to the number of cycles for the phase and the second for the amplitude. width : int | 7 Width of the Morlet's wavelet. """
[docs] def __init__(self, f_pha=[2, 4], f_amp=[60, 200], dcomplex='hilbert', cycle=(3, 6), width=7, verbose=None): """Check and initialize.""" set_log_level(verbose) _PacObj.__init__(self, f_pha=f_pha, f_amp=f_amp, dcomplex=dcomplex, cycle=cycle, width=width) _PacPlt.__init__(self)"Event Related PAC object defined")
[docs] def fit(self, pha, amp, method='circular', smooth=None, n_jobs=-1, n_perm=None, p=.05, mcp='fdr', verbose=None): """Compute the Event-Related Phase-Amplitude Coupling (ERPAC). The ERPAC :cite:`voytek2013method` is used to measure PAC across trials and is interesting for real-time estimation. Parameters ---------- pha, amp : array_like Respectively the phase of slower oscillations of shape (n_pha, n_epochs, n_times) and the amplitude of faster oscillations of shape (n_pha, n_epochs, n_times). method : {'circular', 'gc'} Name of the method for computing erpac. Use 'circular' for reproducing :cite:`voytek2013method` or 'gc' for a Gaussian-Copula based erpac :cite:`ince2017statistical`. smooth : int | None Half number of time-points to use to produce a smoothing. Only active with the Gaussian-Copula ('gc') method. n_perm : int | None Number of permutations to compute for assessing p-values for the gaussian-copula ('gc') method. Statistics are performed by randomly swapping phase trials p : float | 0.05 Statistical threshold for the gaussian-copula ('gc') method mcp : {'fdr', 'bonferroni'} Correct the p-values for multiple comparisons. This is needed when using the circular ERPAC (:cite:`voytek2013method`). Note that the correction is performed using MNE-Python. Returns ------- erpac : array_like The ERPAC estimation of shape (n_amp, n_pha, n_times) """ set_log_level(verbose) pha, amp = self._phampcheck(pha, amp) self.method = method self._pvalues = None # move the trial axis to the end (n_freqs, n_times, n_epochs) pha, amp = np.moveaxis(pha, 1, -1), np.moveaxis(amp, 1, -1) # method switch if method == 'circular': self.method = "ERPAC (Voytek et al. 2013)"" Compute {self.method}") self._erpac, self._pvalues = erpac(pha, amp) self.infer_pvalues(p=p, mcp=mcp) elif method == 'gc': self.method = "Gaussian-Copula ERPAC"" Compute {self.method}") # copnorm phases and amplitudes then compute erpac sco = copnorm(np.stack([np.sin(pha), np.cos(pha)], axis=-2)) amp = copnorm(amp)[..., np.newaxis, :] self._erpac = ergcpac(sco, amp, smooth=smooth, n_jobs=n_jobs) # compute permutations (if needed) if isinstance(n_perm, int) and (n_perm > 0):" Compute {n_perm} permutations") self._surrogates = _ergcpac_perm(sco, amp, smooth=smooth, n_jobs=n_jobs, n_perm=n_perm) self.infer_pvalues(p=p, mcp=mcp) return self.erpac
[docs] def filterfit(self, sf, x_pha, x_amp=None, method='circular', smooth=None, n_perm=None, p=.05, mcp='fdr', edges=None, n_jobs=-1, verbose=None): """Extract phases, amplitudes and compute ERPAC. Parameters ---------- sf : float The sampling frequency. x_pha, x_amp : array_like Array of data for computing ERPAC. x_pha is the data used for extracting phases and x_amp, amplitudes. Both arrays must have the same shapes (i.e n_epochs, n_times). If you want to compute local ERPAC i.e. on the same electrode, x=x_pha=x_amp. For distant coupling, x_pha and x_amp could be different but still must to have the same shape. method : {'circular', 'gc'} Name of the method for computing erpac. Use 'circular' for reproducing :cite:`voytek2013method` or 'gc' for a Gaussian-Copula based erpac. smooth : int | None Half number of time-points to use to produce a smoothing. Only active with the Gaussian-Copula ('gc') method :cite:`ince2017statistical`. n_perm : int | None Number of permutations to compute for assessing p-values for the gaussian-copula ('gc') method. Statistics are performed by randomly swapping phase trials p : float | 0.05 Statistical threshold for the gaussian-copula ('gc') method mcp : {'fdr', 'bonferroni'} Correct the p-values for multiple comparisons. This is needed when using the circular ERPAC (:cite:`voytek2013method`). Note that the correction is performed using MNE-Python. edges : int | None Number of samples to discard to avoid edge effects due to filtering Returns ------- erpac : array_like The ERPAC estimation of shape (n_amp, n_pha, n_times) """ x_amp = x_pha if not isinstance(x_amp, np.ndarray) else x_amp # extract phases and amplitudes" Extract phases (n_pha={len(self.xvec)}) and " f"amplitudes (n_amps={len(self.yvec)})") kw = dict(keepfilt=False, edges=edges, n_jobs=1) pha = self.filter(sf, x_pha, ftype='phase', **kw) amp = self.filter(sf, x_amp, ftype='amplitude', **kw) # compute erpac return, amp, method=method, smooth=smooth, n_jobs=n_jobs, n_perm=n_perm, p=p, mcp=mcp, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def infer_pvalues(self, p=0.05, mcp='fdr'): """Infer p-values based on surrogate distribution. Parameters ---------- p : float | 0.05 Statistical threshold mcp : {'fdr', 'bonferroni'} Correct the p-values for multiple comparisons. This is needed when using the circular ERPAC (:cite:`voytek2013method`). Note that the correction is performed using MNE-Python. Returns ------- pvalues : array_like Array of p-values of shape (n_amp, n_pha, n_times) """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # check that pac and surrogates has already been computed assert hasattr(self, 'erpac'), ("You should compute ERPAC first. Use " "the `fit` method") assert mcp in ['fdr', 'bonferroni'] # correct the p-values for multiple comparisons (Voytek's only) if "Voytek" in self.method:" Correct p-values for multiple-comparisons using " f"{mcp} correction of MNE-Python") from mne.stats import fdr_correction, bonferroni_correction fcn = fdr_correction if mcp is 'fdr' else bonferroni_correction _, self._pvalues = fcn(self._pvalues, alpha=p) else: assert hasattr(self, 'surrogates'), "No surrogates computed" # compute the p-values using maxstat (gcPAC) self._pvalues = self._infer_pvalues(self.erpac, self.surrogates, p=p) return self._pvalues
@property def erpac(self): """Array of event-related PAC of shape ().""" return self._erpac @property def surrogates(self): """Array of surrogates of shape (n_perm, n_amp, n_pha, n_times).""" return self._surrogates @property def pvalues(self): """Array of p-values of shape (n_amp, n_pha, n_times).""" return self._pvalues
[docs]class PreferredPhase(_PacObj, _PolarPlt): """Compute the Preferred Phase (PP). The preferred phase is defined as the phase at which the amplitude is maximum. Parameters ---------- f_pha, f_amp : list/tuple/array | def: [2, 4] and [60, 200] Frequency vector for the phase and amplitude. Here you can use several forms to define those vectors : * Basic list/tuple (ex: [2, 4] or [8, 12]...) * List of frequency bands (ex: [[2, 4], [5, 7]]...) * Dynamic definition : (start, stop, width, step) * Range definition (ex : np.arange(3) => [[0, 1], [1, 2]]) dcomplex : {'wavelet', 'hilbert'} Method for the complex definition. Use either 'hilbert' or 'wavelet'. cycle : tuple | (3, 6) Control the number of cycles for filtering (only if dcomplex is 'hilbert'). Should be a tuple of integers where the first one refers to the number of cycles for the phase and the second for the amplitude. width : int | 7 Width of the Morlet's wavelet. """
[docs] def __init__(self, f_pha=[2, 4], f_amp=[60, 200], dcomplex='hilbert', cycle=(3, 6), width=7, verbose=None): """Check and initialize.""" set_log_level(verbose) _PacObj.__init__(self, f_pha=f_pha, f_amp=f_amp, dcomplex=dcomplex, cycle=cycle, width=width) _PacPlt.__init__(self)"Preferred phase object defined") self.method = 'Preferred-Phase (PP)'
[docs] def fit(self, pha, amp, n_bins=72): """Compute the preferred-phase. Parameters ---------- pha, amp : array_like Respectively the phase of slower oscillations of shape (n_pha, n_epochs, n_times) and the amplitude of faster oscillations of shape (n_pha, n_epochs, n_times). n_bins : int | 72 Number of bins for bining the amplitude according to phase slices. Returns ------- binned_amp : array_like The binned amplitude according to the phase of shape (n_bins, n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs) pp : array_like The prefered phase where the amplitude is maximum of shape (namp, npha, n_epochs) polarvec : array_like The phase vector for the polar plot of shape (n_bins,) """ # Check phase and amplitude shapes : pha, amp = self._phampcheck(pha, amp) return preferred_phase(pha, amp, n_bins=n_bins)
[docs] def filterfit(self, sf, x_pha, x_amp=None, edges=None, n_bins=12, verbose=None): """Extract phases, amplitudes and compute the preferred phase (PP). Parameters ---------- sf : float The sampling frequency. x_pha, x_amp : array_like Array of data for computing PP. x_pha is the data used for extracting phases and x_amp, amplitudes. Both arrays must have the same shapes (i.e n_epochs, n_times). If you want to compute local PP i.e. on the same electrode, x=x_pha=x_amp. For distant coupling, x_pha and x_amp could be different but still must to have the same shape. n_bins : int | 72 Number of bins for bining the amplitude according to phase slices. edges : int | None Number of samples to discard to avoid edge effects due to filtering Returns ------- binned_amp : array_like The binned amplitude according to the phase of shape (n_bins, n_amp, n_pha, n_epochs) pp : array_like The prefered phase where the amplitude is maximum of shape (namp, npha, n_epochs) polarvec : array_like The phase vector for the polar plot of shape (n_bins,) """ x_amp = x_pha if not isinstance(x_amp, np.ndarray) else x_amp # extract phases and amplitudes" Extract phases (n_pha={len(self.xvec)}) and " f"amplitudes (n_amps={len(self.yvec)})") kw = dict(keepfilt=False, edges=edges, n_jobs=1) pha = self.filter(sf, x_pha, ftype='phase', **kw) amp = self.filter(sf, x_amp, ftype='amplitude', **kw) # compute pp return, amp, n_bins=n_bins)