
tensorpac.signals.pac_signals_tort(f_pha=10.0, f_amp=100.0, sf=1024, n_times=4000, n_epochs=10, chi=0.0, noise=1.0, dpha=0.0, damp=0.0, rnd_state=0)[source]

Generate artificially phase-amplitude coupled signals.

This function uses the definition of Tort et al. 2010 [11].

f_phafloat | 10.

Frequency for phase. Use either a float number for a centered frequency of a band (like [5, 7]) for a bandwidth.

f_ampfloat | 100.

Frequency for amplitude. Use either a float number for a centered frequency of a band (like [60, 80]) for a bandwidth.

sfint | 1024

Sampling frequency

n_epochsint | 10

Number of datasets

n_timesint | 4000

Number of points for each signal.

chifloat | 0.

Amount of coupling. If chi=0, signals of phase and amplitude are strongly coupled (0.<=chi<=1.).

noisefloat | 1.

Amount of noise (0<=noise<=3).

dphafloat | 0.

Random incertitude on phase frequences (0<=dpha<=100). If f_pha is 2, and dpha is 50, the frequency for the phase signal will be between : [2-0.5*2, 2+0.5*2]=[1,3]

dampfloat | 0.

Random incertitude on amplitude frequencies (0<=damp<=100). If f_amp is 60, and damp is 10, the frequency for the amplitude signal will be between : [60-0.1*60, 60+0.1*60]=[54,66]

rnd_state: int | 0

Fix random of the machine (for reproducibility)


Array of signals of shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_times).


Time vector of shape (n_times,).