Source code for tensorpac.methods.meth_surrogates

"""Individual methods for assessing surrogates."""
import numpy as np
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

from tensorpac.config import CONFIG

def compute_surrogates(pha, amp, ids, fcn, n_perm, n_jobs, random_state):
    """Compute surrogates using tensors and parallel computing."""
    if ids == 0:
        return None
        fcn_p = {1: swap_pha_amp, 2: swap_blocks, 3: time_lag}[ids]

    def para_surr(rnd):  # noqa
        return fcn(*fcn_p(pha, amp, random_state=random_state + rnd))
    s = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, **CONFIG['JOBLIB_CFG'])(delayed(para_surr)(
        k) for k in range(n_perm))
    return np.array(s)

[docs]def swap_pha_amp(pha, amp, random_state=None): """Compute surrogates by swapping phase / amplitude trials. This function destroys the relation between the phase and the amplitude in order to correct for PAC that could be obtained by chance. To this end, this function reorganize the relation from trial-to-trial between the phase and the amplitude (swapping). In particular, in that case it is the trials of the phase that are randomly swapped and the amplitude is leaved unchanged. For a more detailed description, see :cite:`tort2010measuring` Parameters ---------- pha, amp : array_like Respectively the arrays of phases of shape (n_pha, n_trials, ..., n_times) and the array of amplitudes of shape (n_amp, n_trials, ..., n_times). random_state : int | None Fix the random state of the machine for reproducible results. Returns ------- pha, amp : array_like The phase and amplitude to use to compute the distribution of permutations References ---------- Tort et al. 2010 :cite:`tort2010measuring` """ if random_state is None: random_state = int(np.random.randint(0, 10000, size=1)) rnd = np.random.RandomState(random_state) tr_ = rnd.permutation(pha.shape[1]) return pha[:, tr_, ...], amp
[docs]def swap_blocks(pha, amp, random_state=None): """Compute surrogates by swapping amplitudes time blocks. This function destroys the relation between the phase and the amplitude in order to correct for PAC that could be obtained by chance. To this end, this function cut the amplitude at a random time point. Then, both time blocks are swapped. For a more detailed description, see :cite:`bahramisharif2013propagating`. Parameters ---------- pha, amp : array_like Respectively the arrays of phases of shape (n_pha, ..., n_times) and the array of amplitudes of shape (n_amp, ..., n_times). random_state : int | None Fix the random state of the machine for reproducible results. Returns ------- pha, amp : array_like The phase and amplitude to use to compute the distribution of permutations References ---------- Bahramisharif et al. 2013 :cite:`bahramisharif2013propagating` """ if random_state is None: random_state = int(np.random.randint(0, 10000, size=1)) rnd = np.random.RandomState(random_state) # random cutting point along time axis cut_at = rnd.randint(1, amp.shape[-1], (1,)) # Split amplitude across time into two parts : ampl = np.array_split(amp, cut_at, axis=-1) # Revered elements : ampl.reverse() return pha, np.concatenate(ampl, axis=-1)
[docs]def time_lag(pha, amp, random_state=None): """Compute surrogates by introducing a time lag on phase series. This function destroys the relation between the phase and the amplitude in order to correct for PAC that could be obtained by chance. To this end, a random temporal lag is introduced at the beginning of the phase. For a more detailed description, see :cite:`canolty2006high`. Parameters ---------- pha, amp : array_like Respectively the arrays of phases of shape (n_pha, ..., n_times) and the array of amplitudes of shape (n_amp, ..., n_times). random_state : int | None Fix the random state of the machine for reproducible results. Returns ------- pha, amp : array_like The phase and amplitude to use to compute the distribution of permutations References ---------- Canolty et al. 2006 :cite:`canolty2006high` """ if random_state is None: random_state = int(np.random.randint(0, 10000, size=1)) rnd = np.random.RandomState(random_state) shift = rnd.randint(pha.shape[-1]) return np.roll(pha, shift, axis=-1), amp
[docs]def normalize(idn, pac, surro): """Normalize the phase amplitude coupling. This function performs inplace normalization (i.e. without copy of array) Parameters ---------- idn : int Normalization method to use : * 1 : substract the mean of surrogates * 2 : divide by the mean of surrogates * 3 : substract then divide by the mean of surrogates * 4 : substract the mean then divide by the deviation of surrogates pac : array_like Array of phase amplitude coupling of shape (n_amp, n_pha, ...) surro : array_like Array of surrogates of shape (n_perm, n_amp, n_pha, ...) """ s_mean, s_std = np.mean(surro, axis=0), np.std(surro, axis=0) if idn == 1: # Substraction pac -= s_mean elif idn == 2: # Divide pac /= s_mean elif idn == 3: # Substract then divide pac -= s_mean pac /= s_mean elif idn == 4: # Z-score pac -= s_mean pac /= s_std