Open-source Python softwares


Frites (Framework for Information Theoretical Analysis of Electrophysiological data and Statistics) is a pure Python software to analyse neurophysiological data (M/EEG; ECoG; iEEG) by means of information theoretical measures (Combrisson et al. 2022, JOSS). It allows the estimation of functional connectivity and also includes relatively sophisticated group-level statistics (Combrisson et al. 2022, NeuroImage). Frites is now included inside EBRAINS, "an open research infrastructure that gathers data, tools and computing facilities for brain-related research, built with interoperability at the core".


HOI (Higher-Order Interactions) is a Python software to estimate higher-order interactions (i.e. statistical dependencies between group of 3, 4...N variables). It relies on Jax, a linear-algebra library to execute code on CPU, GPU and TPU. I mentored Dishie Vinchhi during the 2023 Google Summer of Code.


Tensorpac is an open-source Python toolbox for computing Phase-Amplitude Coupling (PAC) using tensors and parallel computing (Combrisson et al. 2020, PLoS Comp. Biol.). This software provides a modular implementation which allows one to combine existing methods for measuring PAC and chance distribution.


Visbrain is a Python solution that offers a comprehensive visualization suite for neuroimaging and electrophysiological brain data (Combrisson et al. 2019, Frontiers in Neuroinfo.; Combrisson et al. 2017, Frontiers in Neuroinfo.). Visbrain contains several modules to represent data on a 3D mesh (like intracranial implantation or projection) or polysomnographic data visualization and sleep analysis.