.. _Installation: Installation ============ Requirements ++++++++++++ Tensorpac relies on three packages : * `NumPy `_ * `SciPy `_ * `Joblib `_ Then if you want to be able to plot your results you'll need to install `Matplotlib `_. Some additional packages might also be required, in particular : * `MNE Python `_ for running some examples, in particular some statistical functions are needed * `Numba `_, a Python compiler to speed up some functions Standard installation +++++++++++++++++++++ Tensorpac can be installed using pip. In a terminal, run the following command : .. code-block:: shell pip install tensorpac And if you want want to update to the latest version : .. code-block:: shell pip install -U tensorpac Install the most up-to-date version +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The latest version is hosted on `github `_. This is always going to be the most up-to-date version, with the latest features and fixes. If you want to install this version, open a terminal and run the following commands : .. code-block:: shell git clone https://github.com/EtienneCmb/tensorpac.git cd tensorpac/ python setup.py develop Finally, if you want to update your version you can use : .. code-block:: shell git pull